CoVid19 – Reflections on Recovery Post Hospital (7 point list)
Recovering When I came back 11 days ago, you’d think my recovering experience might be linear. It isn’t. Here I am, eleven days in and last night was my first…
Recovering When I came back 11 days ago, you’d think my recovering experience might be linear. It isn’t. Here I am, eleven days in and last night was my first…
Naturally enough, a choice of spin over fact is at best annoying and at worst criminal (remember Iraq). Yet our government hires spin doctors. Did the PM tell porkies?
When we get close to a tragedy, we see ourselves for what we are … people who care, who love one another.
A feary tale is like a fairy tale only scary and all too real.
… should we, as a country, decide to Bremain (if we can) then this (assuming accuracy) may help our thinking.
Scottish Government is almost incoherent with delight at a recent discovery
Why do politicians call each other liars all the time?
It's the culture inn'it What is 'the culture'? Perhaps it's a thing, an object, like a car. Our leaders have talked about organisational culture for years. Hearing their words, you…