CoVid19 and the NHS – A Production Line of Love … and Risk
Production Line in the Red Zone As a person who benefitted from the caring production line, why am I angry? As a matter of fact, I heard a senior politician…
Production Line in the Red Zone As a person who benefitted from the caring production line, why am I angry? As a matter of fact, I heard a senior politician…
I experienced the world of the lower level officials. In my eyes, they had (have) much potential in an environment that has problems developing or applying relevant capability. I could cry.
Devil’s Due If you’d like a taste of the third book in The Angels’ Share series, the Devil’s Due - the Price, you’re at the right place. Unsurprisingly, the challenges continue. Behind the…
Brexit or Bremain. Imagine, going forward eyes wide-open … hand-in-hand after making the right decision.
Naturally enough, a choice of spin over fact is at best annoying and at worst criminal (remember Iraq). Yet our government hires spin doctors. Did the PM tell porkies?
The lying, dissembling and fraud continues as the bubble tries to self-repair. How weird they all look from this side of the green tinged plastic.
My heart is light and my hopes high. The bubble’s burst … long live fresh air.