Athletic Fun and Old Men
There it was in the shed. A let’s-play-a-game thingy calling us
There it was in the shed. A let’s-play-a-game thingy calling us
Grandpa? They get that look, don't they? As a grandpa, searching questions come up from time-to-time. Such enquiries needn't be long-winded. Often they are brief and focused, like this one. ‘Grandpa?’ My…
there aren’t many boundaries in chats with a four-year-olds
My Dad died some years back. I reconnected with him yesterday… a touch across time.
Fearful Heart? “Oh how wrong we were to think immortality meant never dying” Gerard Way [if you want to skip the intro, the poem starts with a centred heading "Long…
we interviewed a man who told us a poignant tale
I used to think bisexuals had wheels and handlebars until someone told me about erotica