Will Trouble Make the Bubble … Squeak?
Imagine, shocked politicians and parties discover there are people they must pay attention to outside their Bubble.
Politics politicians, political shenanigans
In politics, politicians may do good or even naughty things to get their way and persuade citizens of their suitability for office. Sometimes we discover their rhetoric doesn’t match their honesty, capability and courage. Often, the public is cynical about politics and career politicians.
Imagine, shocked politicians and parties discover there are people they must pay attention to outside their Bubble.
if only the UK could prosper on inflated ego power alone
Was reliable truth anywhere to be found?
… there are 7 ethical principles people in public life adhere to …
… should we, as a country, decide to Bremain (if we can) then this (assuming accuracy) may help our thinking.
Self-seeking corruption is the ethos of a malodorous cadre of the non-productive, their blind eyes averted from the anguish they promote.
We moan, grumble, rant, rage and then do nothing. Why? Are we powerless?
Where might things be going right? This is a tad different to the usual strident cry for investigation and retribution.
It's the culture inn'it What is 'the culture'? Perhaps it's a thing, an object, like a car. Our leaders have talked about organisational culture for years. Hearing their words, you…