Five Years Ago … a Baby Came (video)
Having a baby is easy. I walked away to distracted murmurs of thanks. Imagine me, John Wayne, to the end, in total, manly, control.
Having a baby is easy. I walked away to distracted murmurs of thanks. Imagine me, John Wayne, to the end, in total, manly, control.
Recovering When I came back 11 days ago, you’d think my recovering experience might be linear. It isn’t. Here I am, eleven days in and last night was my first…
Self-harm is a two-edged issue Sometimes life is tough, sometimes easy. Without doubt, thinking about the suicide of Caroline Flack added pressure in a very recent situation involving me. A couple of…
Grandson 1 showed me a lump on his forehead next morning — he blamed me because I threw it, I blamed him because he didn't catch it, and it was right there. We both laughed. Okay hurt happens, but it’s a good hurt.
… there is huge potential in our public sector people. There is no justification for devaluing a national asset – our human capital.
The whole sorry mess of Brexit and Bremain is based on lies and questionable politics. Are our citizens’ muscles still flexing? I hope so.
The lying, dissembling and fraud continues as the bubble tries to self-repair. How weird they all look from this side of the green tinged plastic.
My heart is light and my hopes high. The bubble’s burst … long live fresh air.
An unkempt burly man wanders in. One shirt-tail is hanging out. His pasty bearded face is tired and pink-eyed. His jumper, cords … everything is wrinkled. He wants to talk.
What did Michael Gove say that may brighten his and the Tory legacy?