Man-flu, antibiotics, dentists and insensitive women friends
To cap it all, the pharmacist said no alcohol. The last refuge of a Scottish man-flu victim denied me.
Blog content written by Mac Logan
To cap it all, the pharmacist said no alcohol. The last refuge of a Scottish man-flu victim denied me.
We ‘senior citizens’ have a future. Most stereotypes about older workers don’t hold water
There I was, rumbling through my routine and, kapow!
This is the beginning of a link to videos of readings and poems over the years. The first is from the CYMERA festival in March 2020.
Scottish Government is almost incoherent with delight at a recent discovery
I used to think bisexuals had wheels and handlebars until someone told me about erotica
Little people rush around vibrant packages of energy and honest emotion
It's the culture inn'it What is 'the culture'? Perhaps it's a thing, an object, like a car. Our leaders have talked about organisational culture for years. Hearing their words, you…