Playing in the Public Spending Money-Pit
A public spending money-pit is sticky, like the La Brea tar pits, … and you don’t get change.
Blog content written by Mac Logan
A public spending money-pit is sticky, like the La Brea tar pits, … and you don’t get change.
Picture the emperor’s face when he discovered his new clothes for what they were. Talk about a life changing moment. If you're a writer, you'll understand.
… there is huge potential in our public sector people. There is no justification for devaluing a national asset – our human capital.
When we get close to a tragedy, we see ourselves for what we are … people who care, who love one another.
A feary tale is like a fairy tale only scary and all too real.
Charging through a once ravaged landscape, I can’t help but wonder: Is this as good as gets?
How respectful is a party-line based on a soundbite? How adequate a claimed mandate based on an unexplained word … Brexit?
where does sexiness end … and beauty begin?
These two year olds demonstrate fundamental truths. Would Parliament benefit from such an idea?
An unkempt burly man wanders in. One shirt-tail is hanging out. His pasty bearded face is tired and pink-eyed. His jumper, cords … everything is wrinkled. He wants to talk.