Whoever Heard of Ekphrasis?
“This world is but a canvas to our imagination.” Henry David Thoreau

Pauline McGee’s exhibition opened as planned – on Saturday night last week.
Patrick Evans, Director of Art Village in Glasgow, welcomed attendees with warmth.
Wine and words flowed, in the way of openings.
Ekphrasticly yours
I went gladly, a budding poet with a poem-that-inspired-a-painting.
An ekphrastic poem is a vivid description of a scene or, more commonly, a work of art. Through the imaginative act of narrating and reflecting on the “action” of a painting or sculpture, the poet may amplify and expand its meaning. Poetry Foundation
My goodness, Pauline’s work on the wall happened by reverse-ekphrasis. You want heavy stuff? You got it.
Cuts both ways
There’s a body of work developing. Pauline found inspiration in Mac’s poem and she has picked the next one.
We fire the imagination of each other and vice-versa. Mac has penned and shared poems (and relevant pictures) inspired by Pauline’s art.
Great Crowd

Even though he couldn’t remember the ‘E’ word Mac bantered with the crowd. They discussed the idea of Ekphrasis, Pauline’s art and Mac’s writing (thrillers too!).
Come on Down
Thanks to Pauline for generously inviting me to share in the opening. Thanks also to Patrick Evans for a splendid venue and his interest in my writing. The exhibition is open until Sunday 13 November. Information here.
© Dysart Aae
Hey Mac thanks for writing about the opening, it was indeed a great wee night. All the better for your company might I add and for sharing your thoughts about the exhibition with all the visitors. Its been a joy working with you on poetry/ art combinations and I feel sure this will go from strength to strength.
Onwards with positive vibes x
And I’m enjoying working with you and developing our collaboration. ????