4 Weeks Today

Yes, 4 Weeks Today

You can’t start the next chapter if you keep re-reading the last one …

East-NeukWe’re moving to the East Neuk of Fife. It is full of history and beautiful land and seascapes. Talk about peaceful. Mostly people expect to see the seascapes, so I’m happy to oblige. Click on the picture for an article.

We’ll be living a couple of miles inland at the corner of a village with views across fields and rolling landscape to the sea with a vista towards Kirkcaldy, across to Edinburgh and right down past North Berwick.

This got me thinking about ‘change’ and some of the work I’ve done in that area. I’ll share soon. Have a great weekend.

Mac Logan

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  1. Mac Logan writes

    Thanks Sam, it’s a fabulous area. A tad out of the way but handy enough if one needs to connect with the modern world.

What do you think?