Late May, Scotland

Late May, Scotland

bright sunshine
cold squally winds
dark torrents of icy rain
bright warmth again

Quite like life …

Mac Logan

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Mac Logan writes

    At least there are warm people in Manchester (and further north :0)

  2. jaynefranks

    HI, you’re not wrong there about the weather in Scotland. It was my first time as far north a couple of week ago (Plockton) and yes it was cold, wet and miserable but when it was dry and sun shone through the clouds it was absolutely stunning. So beautiful. The highlands is definitely somewhere I shall return to one day. 😉

    1. Mac Logan writes

      We some times say you can tell it’s summer because the rain is warmer. I don’t care about the rain, I love the range of colours and enjoy the changes. Where are you from?

      1. jaynefranks

        UK – Manchester. We can do rain but it’s never warm.

What do you think?