Birthday Boy

Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional Chili Davis

A poem with a picture on the side. Try reading this out loud. If you’d like a Scottish read, let me know and I’ll record it (a few requests needed).

I was Best Man for Davy a few years back and, when we got together recently I remembered this.

Davy’s Birthday

Davy's BirthdayAye Davy lad, the time is come
for one more year to pass you by.
But where’s the sense o’ lookin’ glum;
with ageless wings you still can fly.

One thing, I guess, is worth a note
but hardly begs a song of glee;
the hobblin’, limpin’, awkward gait
that’s driven by your agein’ knee.

That lumpy, bumpy, creakin’ joint;
a source of pain and slower stalkin’;
‘tis only but a passin’ point
and soon again you’ll stride out – walkin’.

So here’s a birthday wish for youse…
An honest prayer, you’ll better feel.
That soon you’ll leave the aching’ blues
and once more dance the eight-some reel!

NB: Davy’s party pony tail was actually a woman standing to the side of him.

The photo was taken on the Strangford Ferry in Northern Ireland.

Mac Logan

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